WETT Inspection Victoria BC Area
WETT Inspection Victoria BC Area – Contact us for pricing – PDF Report -Serving Greater Victoria all areas from Sooke to Sidney

Your Inspection Printable PDF Report Includes
- Two or Three pages of direct information about your wood burning System
- Photos of the particulars of your Wood Burning System
- Copy of the owners manual for your Wood Burning Appliance
We are familiar with these Wood Burning Appliances, Chimneys and accessories: ArchGaurd, Auber Flue Gas Thermometers, BIS, AGA, Blaze King, Brunco, Century, CFA, Canterbury, Coalbrookdale, Daley, Drolet, Dutchwest, Elmira, Englander, Enviro Fire, Enterprise, Excel Chimney, Fawcett, Fisher, HearthStone, Heartland, Heatilator, Hevac, ICC, Jacuzzi, Jotul, Kent, Kodiak, Lopi, Majestic Fireplaces, Marco, Napoleon, Osburn, Oliver McLeod, Orley, Pacific Energy, Pinehill, Petit Godin, Regency, Resolute, RSF, Savannah, SBI, Security Chimney Products, Scan Anderson, Seefire, Sherwood Industries, Superior, Simpson DuraVent Duraliner, Triumph, Tuluviki, Ultra black Stovepipe & Certified Wall Pass throughs, Valor, Vermont Castings, Waterford, Z Flex liners and Liner Insulation, and many other woodstoves and appliances..
- These are all combined in one PDF which you can print or save for your records and simply forward on to your insurance company or other interested party
Call or Text Today 250-418-5110 or email [email protected]
Why Have A WETT Inspection?
One in Seven House fires is caused by a wood stove.
Typically Wood Stove Installations have been a hit and miss type of installation with many being installed without permits and modified again without permits or any understanding of what is safe and what is not. Even the installations that were done with permits may be installed wrong due to the building inspectors not knowing the code at the time.
eg. A stove may have been installed with double wall stove pipe which allows much closer clearances than single wall stovepipe. When the stove pipe was rusted it may have been replaced with single wall pipe which has a much larger clearance requirement... May have been well intentioned ... but Not Safe!
Even Well meaning Bricklayers and Stone masons thought that putting a stone or brick wall in front of the combustible wood framing was heat protection enough ( Brick or stone walls actually transfers heat readily and dries out the framing behind it, lowering the ignition point.)
- Due to a high number of chimney fires, insurance companies are now requiring wood stoves and fireplaces to be inspected regularly by WETT Certified Inspectors who follow common industry guidelines.
- WETT Inspection Victoria BC points out areas where clearances to combustibles may be an issue on the back, sides, top, corner or Stovepipe and Chimney flue
- Inspection points out problem areas of installation methods or improper choices of chimney equipment.
- Inspection points out deterioration of appliance, chimney and equipment
- Strata and Condominium groups are also being asked to have fireplaces, chimneys and wood burning appliances inspected on a group basis. Ask about special pricing for multiple units over six.
- You can check your WETT inspector, Appliance Repair Contractor, Stove Installer or Chimney Sweep’s credentials here if you are in doubt.We Service: Victoria, Oak Bay, Saanich, East Sooke, Sooke, Colwood, Esquimalt, Langford, Sidney, Vic West, View Royal, Pender Island, Galiano Island, Saanichton, Brentwood, North Saanich, Metchosin Areas
Wett Inspection Checklist for Wood Stove The Wett Standardized Inspection Form
The Wett Standardized Inspection form is a useful document that collects all the information about your wood burning system into a few pages. It outlines the direct information about your stove such as manufacturers serial and model numbers.
It also documents the Appliance Manufacturer’s suggested clearances to combustibles.
- The WETT Standardized Inspection Form note the certifying agencies for your wood burning appliance such as Warnock Hersey, Underwriters Laboratories, OTL, ETL – and what Standard they were using at the time. The Current Acceptable Standard is ULC-S627 for Wood Stoves and ULC-S628 for Wood Burning Fireplace Inserts
- The WETT Standardized Inspection form also lists whether or not the wood burning appliance is EPA approved. (Environmental Protection Agency). Wood Burning Appliances Manufactured after 1991 usually are EPA certified
- The form further documents particular stovepipe and chimney information as well as your hearth ember pad size and material and other heat protection clearances. Any deficiencies are clearly noted.
- Check Out Our Video about Wett Inspection Victoria BC
Check your Firewood Moisture Content! Avoid Chimney Fires
Roland von Schellwitz, B.Eng
Victoria BC’s “Flue Guru”
WETT Certified Chimney Services
10 Years Successful Contracting and Trade Experience
- Local “Owner Operator” Family Business Serving Greater Victoria BC
- Trained by the late Dean Brandhagen, Master Tradesman ( Interprovincial RedSeal Journeyman Brick Mason since 1973, Journeyman Carpenter since 1988, Journeyman Concrete Technician)
- WETT Certified Wood Heat Professional System Advisor, Inspector, Installer and Chimney Sweep
- Engineering graduate: Systems Engineering UVic, 2004
- Licenced – Worksafe BC – Insured – BBB
? Talk or Text 1 (250) 418-5110
Annual Inspections and Cleaning
- Since 1 in every 7 House fires is caused by a wood burning appliance – BC Fire Code and most Insurance Companies Require Annual Inspections & Cleanings on Wood Burning Devices.
Our Chimney Sweep Service
- Depending on type of fuel and your burning habits – it may be necessary to clean your chimney more often than annually – but generally an annual sweep and inspection will remove any debris, creosote, critters or bird nests.
- WETT Certified Inspection Reports for Insurance or Building Permits for your Wood Burning Equipment Click to book
- Annual Fireplace Chimney Cleaning Service available -(Insurance Company Acceptable) Click to book
- Wood Burning Stove and Insert Cleaning- We have specialized tools to protect chimney liners from damages during cleaning. Click to book
- Creosote Deglazing – Sometimes creosote from smoldering fires or wet wood can accumulate in the flue. This needs to be dealt with using different equipment and methods. Contact us for quote
- Note: We Power Sweep your chimney flue with the latest Technology from the inside or the bottom. In 90% of situations it is no longer necessary to go on slippery steep dangerous roofs.
Draft Problems
- Building Depressurization Inspection for Draft Issues to determine how your building competes for draft Book Now
- Draft Inducers for Wood Stoves and Fireplace Inserts for poor drawing basement and outside “cold” chimney installations Contact for quote
- Key Dampers for Installations with too much draft Contact for quote
- Stove Door Gaskets Contact for quote
- Combustion Air Intake Vents Contact for quote
- Chimney Sealing to prevent expensive Heat Loss and water or critter entry Contact for quote
- How to properly light a woodstove or fireplace insert
- How to light your open Wood Burning fireplace
Repairs and Upgrades
- Masonry Chimney & Fireplace Updates – Repointing, Rebuilding, Repairs or Removals Contact for quote
- Chimney top Crown Flashings with Drip Edge – Prevents leaks and erosion – adds years to chimney life
- Wood Stove and Wood Burning Insert Repairs. Cleaning and Installations – Specialized tools to protect chimney liner from damages during cleaning. Click to book service call.
New Equipment Installations
- EPA Certified Fireplace Inserts Supplied and Installed
- EPA Certified Wood Burning Stove Replacements Supplied and Installed
- Hi Temperature Steel Chimney Installations, Repairs and Replacements Contact for quote
- Chimney Liners
- Raincaps Contact for quote
- Fireplace Top Dampers
Wood Burning Accessories
- Stovepipe or Stove top Thermometers
- Double Wall Stovepipe Thermometers
- Remote Flue Gas Thermometers with Over Fire Alarms
- Firewood Moisture Meters