Victoria Chimney Service Area from Sooke to Sidney

We are proud offer our Victoria chimney service to facilitate Wood Burning Systems Installations, Modifications, Updates, Repair Service and Inspections, Chimney Repairs and Chimney Sweep Cleaning in the Greater Victoria chimney service area:
- Victoria
- Esquimalt
- Oak Bay,
- Vic West
- View Royal
- Saanich
- Saanichton
- Brentwood
- West Saanich
- Central Saanich,
- North Saanich
- Sidney
- Langford
- Colwood
- Glen Lake
- Bear Mountain
- Highlands
- Western Communities
- Metchosin
- Sooke
- East Sooke
For further out areas like Shirley, French Beach, Jordan River, Port Renfrew – add mileage and travel time.
Same for the Malahat, Shawnigan Lake, Mill Bay, Cobble Hill, Duncan areas- please expect us to add mileage and travel time.
Southern Gulf Islands – Minimum Cost is $1500 plus GST

Roland von Schellwitz, B.Eng
Victoria BC’s “Flue Guru”
WETT Certified Chimney Services
10 Years Successful Contracting and Trade Experience
- Local “Owner Operator” Family Business Serving Greater Victoria BC
- Trained by the late Dean Brandhagen, Master Tradesman ( Interprovincial RedSeal Journeyman Brick Mason since 1973, Journeyman Carpenter since 1988, Journeyman Concrete Technician)
- WETT Certified Wood Heat Professional System Advisor, Inspector, Installer and Chimney Sweep
- Engineering graduate: Systems Engineering UVic, 2004
- Licenced – Worksafe BC – Insured – BBB
Talk or Text 1 (250) 418-5110
Annual Inspections and Cleaning
- Since 1 in every 7 House fires is caused by a wood burning appliance – BC Fire Code and most Insurance Companies Require Annual Inspections & Cleanings on Wood Burning Devices.
Our Chimney Sweep Service
- Depending on type of fuel and your burning habits – it may be necessary to clean your chimney more often than annually – but generally an annual sweep and inspection will remove any debris, creosote, critters or bird nests.
- WETT Certified Inspection Reports for Insurance or Building Permits for your Wood Burning Equipment
- Annual Fireplace Chimney Cleaning Service available
- Wood Burning Stove and Insert Cleaning- We have specialized tools to protect chimney liners from damages during cleaning.
- Creosote Deglazing – Sometimes creosote from smoldering fires or wet wood can accumulate in the flue. This needs to be dealt with using different equipment and methods. Contact us for quote
- Note: We Power Sweep your chimney flue with the latest Technology from the inside or the bottom. In 90% of situations it is no longer necessary to go on slippery steep dangerous roofs.
Draft Problems
- Building Depressurization Inspection for Draft Issues to determine how your building competes for draft Book Now
- Draft Inducers for Wood Stoves and Fireplace Inserts for poor drawing basement and outside “cold” chimney installations Contact for quote
- Key Dampers for Installations with too much draft Contact for quote
- Stove Door Gaskets Contact for quote
- Combustion Air Intake Vents Contact for quote
- Chimney Sealing to prevent expensive Heat Loss and water or critter entry Contact for quote
- How to properly light a woodstove or fireplace insert
- How to light your open Wood Burning fireplace
Repairs and Upgrades
- Masonry Chimney & Fireplace Updates – Repointing, Rebuilding, Repairs or Removals Contact for quote
- Chimney top Crown Flashings with Drip Edge – Prevents leaks and erosion – adds years to chimney life
- Wood Stove and Wood Burning Insert Repairs. Cleaning and Installations – Specialized tools to protect chimney liner from damages during cleaning. Click to book service call.
New Equipment Installations
- EPA Certified Fireplace Inserts Supplied and Installed
- EPA Certified Wood Burning Stove Replacements Supplied and Installed
- Hi Temperature Steel Chimney Installations, Repairs and Replacements Contact for quote
- Chimney Liners
- Raincaps Contact for quote
- Fireplace Top Dampers
Wood Burning Accessories
- Stovepipe or Stove top Thermometers
- Double Wall Stovepipe Thermometers
- Remote Flue Gas Thermometers with Over Fire Alarms
- Firewood Moisture Meters
Weather Proofing